Much has changed since my last post. Mike has finally been able to get his fields disked and is now out on the tractor rotovating them. We are not sure whether there will be sufficient kill on the blue grass to plant them back into annual forage this year or not - hopefully we will know that in a few days.
Adam's chicken tractor aka "Cooke's Chooks" has been completed and moved to Indian Meadow and the 'girls" are getting used to their new home. Egg laying has been interrupted temporarily as the chickens adjust to their new location, but is picking up quickly as they acclimatize to the new condo!!! Looks like the meat birds will be ready early next week so we have some chicken plucking to look forward to - you know how it is - one of those jobs that it best when it is behind you!)
Work is also proceeding in the CSA gardens! Potatoes went in the ground last week - can't remember how many row feet were planted but it seemed a staggering amount. The salad greens are doing well, the main greenhouse is planted, and today the squash is going in the ground as I write this. Once the field tomatoes have gone into the ground, hopefully the area where the corn and beans are going will be ready to plant and then the weeding will commence with a vengance. While the last few days (Sat/Sun) have been beautiful, it looks like Jen will have to delay her first distribution for about two weeks which is disappointing but unavoidable. stnut" field and will then move in to the front part of Jen's CSA garden to go over it for a second time now that the water has finally receded and things are drying up. Jen, Jenny and Adam are planting out squash in the back of the garden and things are really beginning to take shape.
Not much to report on the pig front, the last litter are growing like stink and this is the lull between farrowings so things are relatively quiet. The big pigs Bill, Juliet, Carlotta and Alice are still out grazing happily and look very pleased with the new compost pile that they are using as a bed. The 'pool' has just about disappeared which seems to cause a certain amount of disappointment but I am sure they will quickly figure out how to flood the water trough to create a new wallow.
Jethro (the new donkey) and the sheep are out on Indian Meadow with Sparkle and her calves and the chickens of course. They are looking a bit tacky at the moment as they adjust to the rich grass ... but the lambs are doing very well and I am trying to get new photos taken so that I can prepare my list of possible sale animals. I entered three fleeces in the Lower Mainland Sheep Producers Association Show and Sale on the weekend and came home with the Spinners' Delight award for one of them. What prize could be better for someone wanting to produce great fleece for fibre enthusiasts!
Son Tim was also busy while he was here creating a set of steps and rockery at the front, filling at least two ponds with plants for the deck and getting everything set up for grapes as well. The hammock that he brought us for the farm didn't see much use while he was here, but we have promised him a little more down time on his next visit.
Must run so will not get photos added until the 'morrow!
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